
18 August, 2004

In Europe: Part Deux 

So I’ve been back for a few weeks now and the dust has settled on my three week jaunt round Europe. The boring run-down of where we went from Geneva is as follows: Chamonix/Mont Blanc, Lake Como in northern Italy, Legnano - a Milan satellite town - explained later, the Italian Riviera, Monte Carlo, Provence, the Loire valley and home.

The following exciting things happened in this section of the trip:
  1. West Brom pulled a Croatian girl who spoke 6 languages. An increase of roughly 1100% on the number of languages his usual calibre of girl speaks (0.5).
  2. In Chamonix we bumped into Charlie Richardson! Totally at random I saw her cooking in a bar/restaurant in town. Her and Daph live there now, running a chalet for skiers. She very kindly put us up in their beautiful chalet, just a shame Daph wasn’t around while we were there.
  3. Outside Milan I failed to maintain a sensible stopping distance on a dual carriageway and when the car in front was side-swiped and crashed into the central reservation I wasn’t able to stop in time and went into the back of it. Shit. No-one was seriously hurt, but it cost a fortune and led to a lot of confused sign language with the rozzers and the garage they took us to. One good thing did come of it: we were staying at a rubbish businessman’s motel outside Legnano and the only thing around was one of those lifeless out-of-town shopping malls-cum-cinema multiplexes. We spent a day as mall rats, hanging at the diner, etc and met some very nice Italian waiters. They gave us about 10 free beers each and were all-round nice guys, even though we couldn’t talk to them. Next day their English-speaking mate took us into Milan for a look. Their hospitality was almost embarrassing.
  4. We found somewhere affordable to stay in Monaco, thankfully recomended by Si B.

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