
24 July, 2004

In Europe 

Bonjour from Geneve. Comment ça va? Right, lets drop the pretense of me knowing any French at all. Luckily everyone is nice and trys to understand/tells me they can speak English.

This will only be quick, but so far we have been to Paris, Sens, some villages in the Bougougne, seen the Tour de France (incredible disappointment, although I should have predicted this really) and are now holed up in Geneva`s red-light district. It`s pissing with rain but we`ve had it pretty good so far.

Everything has been going to plan, i.e. we are eating and drinking ourselves towards contented-rotundness. The hangover from last night`s rose (don`t ask, I`m not proud of it) is confusing me now and I need to get out of here. Be sure in the knowledge that although I can`t think of any decent anecdotes at the moment, watching West Brom drive/converse with foreigners/take photos of everything is keeping me amused.

En y va


Au revoir


15 July, 2004

Hi. It's been so long. Apologies to those who visit this site for my sparkling wit - it will be back in your lives shortly as I am going on holiday in a car with West Brom Rich, which will certainly provide me with plenty material. I've been trying to write a piece on apathy for ages on my computer at work, but I just can't seem to get it finished. I'll try and get it to you soon. In the mean time here are a few links to some nice things:

Garden are a band led by Simian front-man Simon Lord that make acoustic folk tunes, which, as their web-site rightly points out, are a bit reminiscent of Simian's first album Chemistry Is What We Are:

There is a Lincoln Hall reunion on the 11th September this year, which I'm thinking of going to, but only if there are a few others interested. I don't want to get caught in a corner on my own with Flange. Get in touch if you fancy it.

Expolsions in the Sky are a very good band.

And Mark Radcliffe is back on the radio! Still one of the best.


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